Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

This 8 Myths About About AIDS

World AIDS Day every December 1, is celebrated to raise awareness about the dangers of HIV / AIDS. Especially in cases of HIV / AIDS in Indonesia is increasing every year.

According to Health Ministry data, in the last five years there was an increase in its distribution. In 2005, there were 5321 people are infected with HIV and AIDS while in September 2010 recorded 22 726 people.

For circulating information about HIV / AIDS is not misleading and does not raise bad prejudices and stigma against PLWHA (people living with HIV / AIDS), recognize the myths and facts about the virus and the deadly disease that follows, as quoted from

1. People who are newly diagnosed with HIV / AIDS will die soon
Fact: The opinion was not entirely correct. Because, people who have been diagnosed with HIV / AIDS, proven to live longer than previous estimates. Use of medication, good treatment program, and a better understanding of this virus allows those infected to live normal, healthy and productive lives certainly remain.

2. HIV / AIDS can be cured through alternative medicine
Fact: Not a few people claim to be able to heal the alternative. But, in fact now has not found drugs to defeat HIV / AIDS. So, be careful of the claims or miracle cure.

3. General practitioner can treat HIV and AIDS
Fact: the experts believe that with the complexity of HIV and AIDS, means that only specialists are able to treat this case PLWHA. Be sure to choose the right doctor to treat patients with HIV / AIDS on a regular basis.

4. HIV / AIDS can not be contracted through oral sex
Fact: Again, this is not true and this is a very dangerous myth. Condoms should still be used every time sexual intercourse, anal and oral.

5. HIV / AIDS can not have kids
Fact: Women living with HIV / AIDS still can get pregnant and have offspring. To reduce the risk of HIV transmission, it must undergo treatment to control infection.

6. Age above 50 will not be infected with HIV / AIDS
Fact: This is not true, because many HIV / AIDS cases found in the age of it. This virus can affect all ages.

7. Couples who are both subject to HIV / AIDS, no need to use the 'safety'
Fact: Not true. Experts assess precisely when they are not using condoms, can be more paran and treatment process becomes more difficult.

8. HIV / AIDS can transmit only gays and drug users
Fact: HIV / AIDS can infect anyone. In fact, infants, women, senior citizens above 50 years, teenagers, blacks, whites and Hispanic. People who have risk behaviors of HIV / AIDS can still become infected. (Pet)

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