Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Four Secrets of Amazing Sex

Want to have a home life filled with passion? A new book reveals the secrets that can unlock the potential of your passion and your partner.

In the book 'The 4 Secrets of Amazing Sex' by Georgia Foster and Beverley Anne Foster, reveal about the harmonization of body and mind, when making love. "We focus on the mind and body," said Georgia was quoted as saying by the Times of India.

"This is not a book about sexual positions. Anyone can have sex. But, to have sex amazing, mind you have to participate," Georgia added.

Four secrets of amazing sex are:

Flirting techniques :
"The first secret to maintain the heady passion with your partner is doing things tempting. Most people think they need to be tempted to feel sexy. Therefore, although tempting action, trivial necessary to excite. Find out, what can make him feel tempted and feeling sexy. "

Sensation :
"The second secret is all about the six senses. Absorb the energy between you and your partner, as well as remembering smell, touch, sound and taste. The six senses are often overlooked in a busy life, but without them sex boring."

Percy :
"The third secret is when you feel safe to surrender to the couple and have sex. If your mind is ready and senses feel alive, you need to feel with your partner, and your mind comes back to feel a connection with a partner."

Reflection :
"If you enjoy live first three secrets, refleksikanlah experience and your feelings during sexual intercourse. If you feel you had a bad experience, such as lack of confidence or not easily aroused, find other ways to make sex a wonderful experience. Invite a couple to continue bereksprolasi style of lovemaking. " (Pet)

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