Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


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Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Baby Umbilical Cord Care Tips

Caring for the Umbilical Cord bagiang the most "appalling" in a series ofrituals to clean the baby. Well, the umbilical cord to perform maintenanceproperly, follow these instructions:

  1. Always wash your hands before starting to perform umbilical cord care.
  2. Lower bit the top of the diaper to avoid contact with the umbilical cord.
  3. Then, clean the umbilical cord, especially the part close to the abdominal wallor folds on the bottom, with clean water and soap, then dry.
  4. Should the umbilical cord does not need to be given anything. The use ofantiseptic fluid that contains iodine was no longer recommended. The umbilical cord can be covered with sterile gauze.
  5. Gauze should be replaced, every time the baby after a bath, sweating,exposed to dirt and wet.
  6. Never deliberately tugging or pulling, because it will come off the cord itself.
  7. Avoid things that are strange and mystical smells. Put a coin on top of the umbilical cord, was given coffee and so forth. Because this will make a nestumbilical cord germs or cause tetanus.
  8. Immediately taken to the doctor if smell the odor of baby's cord is not loose,because it could be a sign of tetanus.
  9. After the whistle, there should be no preferential treatment, but do not forgetto always clean the navel. Bathe as usual and let the umbilical cord is open, need not be wrapped anymore.
Hopefully useful.

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Dental Care for babies aged 0-24 months

Generally, dental diseases and disorders in children is one of the disturbances in the process of growth and development. Since baby teeth begin to grow, parents must take responsibility to clean their baby teeth. Although children's teeth are just baby teeth whose existence is only temporary, but the health of milk teeth affect the dental health of children in the future. Therefore, as parents need to know how to care for your child's teeth as a baby in the right way, for oral health of children is resolved.

How to care for the baby's mouth at the age of 0-6 months: 
1. Clean your baby's gums with a damp cloth, at least twice a day

2. Do not allow your baby to sleep while drinking milk with a bottle of milk.

3. Finished breastfeeding, remember to clean the baby's mouth with a damp cloth

4. Do not add a sweet taste in the bottle of milk with honey or something sweet.

How to care for the baby's mouth and teeth at the age of 7-12 months: 
1. Ask your pediatrician or your dentist if your baby is getting enough fluoride

2. Remember to clean your baby's mouth with a damp cloth (not wet at all), after feeding.

3. Do not let the baby sleep with a bottle of milk (while drinking milk from a bottle) except water.

4. Give the baby water if you want to drink milk beyond schedule

5. When teeth begin to grow, start clean with a damp cloth. Clean every surface of the tooth and gum line between teeth with him carefully, because the food was often left on the surface.

6. When baby teeth begin to grow, start using a small toothbrush with soft surface and the nylon material.

7. Do not use toothpaste and remember to always wet the toothbrush with water.

8. Check with your child's teeth to the dentist, after 6 months from the first tooth erupts, or when age children a year.

How to care for the baby's mouth and teeth at the age of 13-24 months: 
1. Begin introducing fluoride toothpaste

2. Do not let the child sleep with a bottle of milk (while drinking milk from a bottle), except water.

3. Use a pea-sized toothpaste green.

4. Brush teeth at least twice a day (after breakfast and before bed at night)

5. Use a soft toothbrush from nylon material.

6. Replace toothbrushes every three months or when the brush hairs are damaged.

7. Be a role model by practicing good oral health habits maintain and perform routine checks to the dentist every 6 months.

8. Familiarize children to eat healthy snacks such as fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.

9. Avoid snacks that contain sugar.

quoted from exposure Drg.Yerika & Drg. Marshinta

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Overcoming Stress Although Stacking Works

Feeling very troubled when I had to leave for work? Maybe it is a problem foryou who are currently working. Indeed, work is not fun. Often we feel our workis endless. Work not yet completed one, come again another job. It was notime to rest, head feels full and the thought alone is stressful.

It can not be avoided. But remember that the body's health is paramount,because the mind is tense can damage your health. Rather than keep youfeeling depressed by it, you can perform the following tips in order to reduce the burden on the mind.

Stop complaining 
If we continue to just complain about our jobs, our minds will be more depressed and jobs will not be completed nor is it? Try to find some positive value that can be taken, just think of it as a learning tool for you. Or think of something interesting that you would receive a salary.

Determine priorities

 Indeed we can not do all the work at once, then decide where formerly a more important and must be completed. Do not think of another job, because it will make your concentration is impaired and slower job completion.

Stay relaxed and rested

How busy you are, when at rest, use the best time to relax. When possible, use your breaks to sleep at least 15 minutes. This can make your body and mind refreshed.

Eat nutritious foods 

Do not forget to keep attention to your diet to keep adequate nutrition.Adequate nutrition can make the body more healthy and vibrant. Try to eat enough fruit.

Go home on time

 If the job can be done tomorrow and you are not asked to overtime, went back in time. This will help you get more time to rest and relax with family.

Request leave and refreshing 

If you are already very tired, try to ask for leave on your boss. Use your time off to visit places that you like, for example a trip to the mountains or the beach. If possible, take the child or your family to vacation together.

Find another job 

This is one option if you felt it was no longer able to perform your job. Try to find another job that is different and you like. But first consider this carefully in advance.

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Dengue Fever or Typhoid ?

Symptoms of dengue fever or dengue and typhoid have some similarities. Both diseases are characterized by high fever that interfere with activities of sufferers. If one know what kind of illness can lead to errors in patient treatment, it can even cause death. What are the differences between dengue fever and typhoid fever?

Scarlet fever
  • Dengue fever caused by dengue virus, which is why this disease is also called Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is shortened to DHF. There are 4 types of Dengue virus, which is why in some cases of dengue fever patients who show symptoms of a different one with another dengue fever sufferers. The disease is transmitted from one patient to another patient through the aedes aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes usually bite during the daytime. The mosquito that sucks blood from DHF patients and healthy bite other people who make a virus that is moving to a healthy person and would cause the person is suffering from Dengue Fever.
  • Typhus is caused by bacteria called Salmonella typhi. These bacteria exist in the fast growing in dirty places. The spread of these bacteria aided by insect-bacteria-carrying insects such as flies or other insects. These bacteria can exist in food or drink and will go into the body of people who consume them. That causes a person can get typhoid fever.

Parts Attacked
Scarlet fever

  • Dengue virus causes bleeding in the organs of sufferers. Red spots usuallyappear on the patient showed bleeding in his body. If it is severe, bleedingmay occur in vital organs that can cause death.

  • Typhoid bacteria attack the intestine, causing injury to the intestine.Furthermore, we will attack the liver, spleen and gall bladder.

Scarlet fever 
In patients with dengue fever, symptoms commonly encountered are: 
  • High heat, usually> 38 degrees Celsius. 
  • Body aches or muscle aches, headache, chills, a waste water or vomiting.
  • Spots appeared red. These symptoms may not appear if only brieflyexperienced fever. I view these red spots with a tourniquet test is to clamp theblood vessels much like when you want to check blood pressure. After this stage, usually red spots will appear.
  • After the third day, usually fever will go down and the sufferer may feel is cured but after that fever can strike back. At this time you should be careful not to assume that had recovered and did not maintain his health.
In patients with typhoid fever, the symptoms are as follows:
  • Initially, experienced fever is not too high and the temperature will continue to increase gradually up to> 38 degrees Celsius.
  • Especially at night, the temperature will increase and will go down in the morning. This is what differentiates with typhoid fever in dengue fever.
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • Cough and sore throat.
The most accurate way to tell if someone is suffering from dengue fever ortyphoid is to conduct the examination. Consult with your doctor and usually to be sure, the doctor will ask for blood tests. By taking the patient's blood can be known with certainty what illnesses suffered.

Scarlet fever
  • In patients with dengue fever, the examination is done by checking the number of platelets. If the platelet decline, usually <100.000/ul, someone will be diagnosed with dengue fever. However, if the fever is just one day can not be known because the platelet count is still normal. In cases like this, you cancome back to the doctor to check if the platelet count still have a fever. At amore sophisticated examination, it is known whether the blood containsdengue virus or not. So, if the number of platelets in the blood is still normalbut positive for dengue virus means that you have dengue fever.

  • To determine if you have typhoid or not, it will be Widal test. Examined in this test is whether the blood contains antibodies against the bacteria Salmonellatyphi. If the results indicate> 1 / 160 means that you are suffering from typhoid fever. Another inspection may be done by checking the patient because offeces in patients with typhoid feces containing the bacteria Salmonella typhi.

Scarlet fever

  • There is no specific drug to treat dengue fever sufferers because there is novaccine for dengue viruses. Things you can do is to keep the patient does notbecome dehydrated. If the patient can not eat well, have diarrhea or vomiting,it is better patient hospitalized for infusion can be helped with that patientendurance is stronger. In patients with dengue fever there is no dietary restrictions.

  • For the treatment of typhoid fever, will usually be given antibiotics to killbacteria. To heal the wounds intestine, food eaten should not be working hardin order not to force the ailing gut. Team rice or porridge into food consumed by patients. Avoid acidic and spicy foods.

How to Prevention
Scarlet fever

  • As is often echoed, to prevent, especially mecegah aedes aegypti mosquito breeding which is the means of transmission of dengue fever is to do amovement 3 M. The meaning of movement 3 M is the bath drain at least 1week, closing the shelter of water, and bury the used goods unused potentialinto a puddle of rain water.

  • Meanwhile, to prevent typhoid is to keep the environment clean so thatbacteria can not breed typhoid. Choose foods and drinks that clean for consumption.

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